Suffragetto Board Game Instructions, Rules & Activity Guide

Suffragetto Board Game

Board games have long been a source of entertainment and education, offering players a chance to engage in strategic thinking and friendly competition. One such historically significant game is the Suffragetto Board Game, which emerged during the suffragette movement of the early 20th century. This game serves as a powerful reminder of the struggles women faced in their fight for the right to vote. In this article, we will delve into the world of Suffragetto, providing a comprehensive guide on how to play, its rules, and the historical context surrounding its creation.

Historical Background

Before we dive into the game’s instructions and rules, it’s crucial to understand the historical context in which Suffragetto was born. Suffragetto is closely linked to the suffragette movement, a women’s rights movement that aimed to secure voting rights for women in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

In the United Kingdom, the suffragette movement was particularly active, with organizations like the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) employing various tactics to raise awareness and advocate for women’s suffrage. These tactics included public demonstrations, hunger strikes, and even acts of civil disobedience.

Suffragetto, created in 1909, was a board game designed to reflect the intense political climate of the time. It allowed suffragettes to simulate their struggle in a non-violent and entertaining way. The game became a symbol of the suffragette movement and offered a unique perspective on the challenges women faced in their fight for equal voting rights.

Suffragetto Game Components

Before you can start playing Suffragetto, you’ll need to gather all the necessary components. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

1. Game Board:

The Suffragetto game board is divided into two sections, each representing the suffragettes and the police.

2. Game Pieces:

The game comes with 50 suffragette pieces and 50 police pieces, typically represented by different colored tokens or markers.

3. Instructions:

A copy of the game instructions is essential for understanding the rules and gameplay.

Setting Up the Game

Once you have all the components ready, it’s time to set up the game:

Place the game board in the center of the playing area, ensuring that both the suffragette and police sections are easily visible to all players.

Separate the suffragette and police game pieces, and give each player 25 of their respective pieces.

Players take turns to place their pieces on their side of the board. Suffragette pieces should be placed in the suffragette section, while police pieces should be placed in the police section.

Ensure that players have a clear view of the board and that there is ample space for gameplay.

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Suffragetto Game Rule

Suffragetto is a turn-based strategy game that requires players to strategize and outmaneuver their opponents. The game follows specific rules that govern movement, capture, and victory conditions.

1. Movement:

  • Suffragette pieces move vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, but only one space at a time.
  • Police pieces can move in the same way, one space at a time.
  • Pieces cannot move through or land on spaces occupied by pieces of the same team.

2. Capture:

  • A suffragette piece can capture a police piece by moving to the police piece’s location.
  • A police piece can capture a suffragette piece in the same manner.

3. Victory Conditions:

  • The suffragettes win by successfully moving one of their pieces to the police headquarters, located in the center of the board, or by immobilizing all police pieces.
  • The police win by immobilizing all suffragette pieces or preventing them from reaching their headquarters.

4. Alternate Victory Condition (Optional):

  • Some variations of the game include an alternate victory condition for the suffragettes. In this version, the suffragettes can also win by moving four pieces into a line, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, in the police section of the board. This represents a symbolic victory for the suffragette movement.


Suffragetto is played in alternating turns, with players strategizing their moves to achieve their respective victory conditions. Players must carefully consider their moves to outmaneuver their opponents and secure victory. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how a typical turn unfolds:

  1. Choose a game piece to move. Players can only move one piece per turn.
  2. Move the selected piece to an adjacent empty space following the rules of movement outlined earlier.
  3. If a player’s piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent’s piece, that opponent’s piece is captured and removed from the board.
  4. Players continue taking turns until one of the victory conditions is met, and a winner is declared.

Historical Significance

Suffragetto is more than just a board game; it’s a historical artifact that reflects the struggles and triumphs of the suffragette movement. Playing the game today allows us to gain insight into the challenges faced by suffragettes and the intense political climate of the early 20th century.

The game’s design, with suffragettes trying to reach the police headquarters, symbolizes their determination to confront the authorities and demand their rights peacefully. The capture mechanic reflects the confrontations and arrests suffragettes often faced in their quest for equality.

Suffragetto also serves as a reminder of the importance of women’s suffrage and the progress that has been made in the fight for gender equality. It highlights the sacrifices made by suffragettes and the significance of their achievements.

Modern Interpretations and Educational Use

In the 21st century, Suffragetto has found a new audience and purpose. It is often used as an educational tool to teach students about the suffragette movement, women’s rights, and historical social and political struggles. Teachers and educators have incorporated the game into their curricula to engage students in a hands-on learning experience.

Additionally, modern adaptations and digital versions of Suffragetto have been developed, making it more accessible to a wider audience. These adaptations often come with historical context and information to enrich players’ understanding of the game’s significance.


Suffragetto, born out of the suffragette movement of the early 20th century, is a historically significant board game that serves as a reminder of the struggles women faced in their fight for voting rights. Playing Suffragetto today allows us to gain insight into the challenges suffragettes confronted and the determination they exhibited.

This article provided a comprehensive guide to Suffragetto, including its historical background, game components, setup, rules, gameplay, and historical significance. Suffragetto is not only a source of entertainment but also an educational tool, making it a valuable addition to discussions about women’s suffrage and gender equality. As we reflect on the past, Suffragetto reminds us of the progress made and the importance of continuing to strive for equality and justice in our society.

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